ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ºI. Installationº ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ ß Documentation CTS.TXT was written with the intention of having it printed on double- sided paper to save paper. Page numbers and blank pages have been arranged with this in mind. You may wish to edit the document to remove extraneous pages if you intend to print it single-sided. 4PRINT.ZIP is an excellent set of utilities for printing ASCII documents in a limited amount of space. Look for it in the ZNT:PBSAPP forum on CompuServe. LASERLST.ZIP is a PC Magazine utility for compressed printing: GO ZNT:UTILFORUM. Hardware and Software Requirements ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ß Hardware CTS requires a hard disk with at least 3Mb of free space. Use your CHKDSK command at the DOS prompt to determine how much free space you have - it is the line showing "number of bytes available on disk" in the listing CHKDSK provides. ß Software CTS will run on laptops with 512K of memory. At least 450K of free memory is generally required - laptops running network software may encounter memory problems. CTS uses expanded memory automatically if it is available. The more expanded memory the computer has, the faster CTS will run. From CompuServe or other BBS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ (including disks created from an original BBS download) All documentation files, such as the one you are now reading, come from the CTSDOC.EXE file, a self-extracting compressed file. These files may be placed onto any directory. A listing of all files supplied for CTS can be found in Appendix B and in the DOCFILE.DOC file. All executable files and associated Help, Database, Index, and Source files come as part of the CTS_EX.EXE file. CTS will automatically install itself into the directory and drive where the user places the CTS_EX.EXE file. To execute this file, simply type its name at the DOS prompt in the directory where you want CTS to exist. A batch file, CTS.BAT, is included in the CTS_EX.EXE file. If you do not want to put the CTS directory into your AUTOEXEC.BAT PATH statement, you may place this batch file into your root directory to run CTS from anywhere on your hard disk. CTS.BAT assumes the program will be on the C: drive and in the \CTS directory. You must edit the batch file if you have placed CTS elsewhere. From a floppy disk supplied by ENC Enterprises ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 1. Loading Files a) Insert the installation or update disk into drive a: (usually the uppermost slot on the front of the PC). The disk will say if it is an upgrade or an installation disk. If the 3«" drive on your system is the b: drive, type the following line at the DOS prompt: assign a=b After installation, type assign by itself at the DOS prompt to restore the proper drive assignment. (Ignore if computer has rebooted.) b) Begin the installation or update process. Type: a: (floppy drive is assumed to be a: in this example) Type: install (if a first-time installation) OR update (if an update) c) Swap to the second disk when the screen prompts you. d) The CTS installation disk will automatically change your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files to enable CTS to run on your laptop. If you do not wish the installation program to do this, watch the screen and abort the procedure when asked. If you let the installation program change your files, you may skip sections (2) and (3) and proceed to section [4]. 2. CONFIG.SYS File a) Move to your root directory Type c: cd \ b) Ensure that your CONFIG.SYS file contains the following lines by typing type config.sys : FILES = x (where x ò 40) BUFFERS = 32 STACKS = 0,0 If the FILES line has x < 40, refer to section c.(i) below. If you receive an error message saying the file does not exist, refer to section c.(ii) below. c) If your CONFIG.SYS file does not contain these lines, or if you do not have a CONFIG.SYS file, edit or create the file and save the result. Consult your DOS manual for full editing instructions using EDLIN. Otherwise: (i) Existing CONFIG.SYS Type: edlin config.sys The new prompt will be an asterisk (*). Type: L The program will list each line in front of you. Find the line # that says "FILES=xxx". Type: x (x = line # of FILES line) The text of the line number selected will appear indented and the line number will repeat below as the new prompt. Type: FILES=45 (40 or higher) The asterisk prompt will reappear at the left- hand edge of the screen. Repeat as necessary to modify other lines of the file in the same manner. When finished: Type: exit You will be returned to the DOS prompt. Reboot the computer using the -- key combination (hold all three down at the same time). (ii) New CONFIG.SYS If you received a message in part (b) saying the config.sys file did not exist, the quickest way to create a new one is as follows: Type: copy con config.sys No prompt will appear, but the cursor will move to the left side of the screen. Type the following lines exactly as they appear (the mark represents the enter key, do not type ""). FILES=45 BUFFERS=30 STACKS=0,0 (zero,zero) ^Z (Control-Z; hold Ctrl key down and press letter Z) The DOS prompt will return and the CONFIG.SYS file will have been created. Reboot the computer using the -- key combination (hold all three down at the same time). 3. AUTOEXEC.BAT File a) This file is also located in your root directory (see 1.a above). b) Remove any TSR (terminate-stay resident) programs such as Sidekick which may reduce the RAM available to the Pacific Laptop Account Network. Use EDLIN or other edit program (see 1.c above) c) CTS suggests that your PATH statement contain the directories: ..;C:\CTS using EDLIN, find the line (see 1.c in section (2) above) containing your PATH statement. Type the line number at the asterisk (*) prompt, and repeatedly press the right cursor (arrow) key to redisplay the line, When the entire line has been redisplayed, type the additions shown above in italics. Press the key. Type exit and press the enter key again. Just as with the CONFIG.SYS file, you must reboot your computer for changes to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to take effect. 4. Starting the Program (all other times) If you have a menu program you are encouraged to add this program to your list of options. The commands necessary to activate it are the same as you would perform individually in (4a) and (4b). If you are not on the C: drive, include the command C: ÄÙ as well. a) If not already in the program's directory, type cd \ b) Type cts